Altruism is the essence of governance.
Universal Doctrine
We believe in God, the Supreme Being and the Creator of all things. We also believe that all persons are created equal and every person has inalienable rights: the right to life; the right to be free from bondage; the right to property; and the right to live the life that he chooses for as long as it does not infringe on another person’s own freedom and dignity, the common good and the environment.
We envision a country of peace, progress and prosperity with a united and empowered Filipino citizenry, living in a sustainable environment.
PEACE is the ultimate pursuit of mankind. It is the complete harmony of all God’s creations. In the social context, it refers to the blissful union of all citizens of our country and our co-existence with other nations.
PROGRESS refers to the forward movement toward a society that is very much capable of facing the needs of the present and prepared for the challenges of the future. It is characterized by a modern state that provides a safe, clean, efficient and convenient habitat for the Filipinos. However, it should be tempered by sustainable development practices; preservation of our culture and heritage; and the respect for the environment.
PROSPERITY is defined as the abundance of material wealth for every Filipino that each one’s interests and desires may be freely pursued within the bounds of the nation’s laws. It presupposes the satisfaction of the individual’s basic needs and that of every Filipino family to include housing, education, and healthcare.
UNITED and EMPOWERED FILIPINO CITIZENRY. Being united is when all Filipinos, regardless of ethnic origin, have a sense of nation or kinship with one another. During times of crises, they would have compassion for one another and, during times of war, would rise up together in defense of their country. Being empowered meanwhile, refers to Filipinos exercise of the right to self-determination, as well as the willingness and capacity to participate in the affairs of the state.
SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT involves taking actions that would protect the natural world or, in cases of exploitation to meet the needs of the present, to allow it to regenerate so as not to compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
Governance Philosophy

Eugene Louie Gonzales

Antonio “Sonny” Trillanes IV

Gary Alejano Sr.